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Brush, with Death

Notice: This event will be streamed live as a webinar. It is open both to Guild members and non-members.

Date: Saturday 29th August 2020 Location:
Start time: 5:00pm End time: 7:30pm Type: Webinar

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Charles Zeltzer writes:

“Each one of us, as we age, encounters death in increasingly intimate ways. Six years ago I endured a heart attack — an acute and dangerous event that was a powerful psychological and spiritual encounter with my mortality. Prior to the attack I had a number of dreams, which only in retrospect did I realize predicted exactly what occurred. Several dreams post attack deepened my understanding of the meaning of the event, which provided an opportunity for a healing of my deepest wound. While recuperating I painted these images that arose from the depths. One day, while I was sitting with paintbrush in hand, the thought came that I would give a presentation based on my experiences. And then I heard a voice say, ‘Title the presentation, Brush, With Death.’

“In this presentation I will discuss this fateful and numinous encounter, how I worked with this experience of the living psyche, its implications for both my life and death, and the healing function of illness. I will examine how one person, engaged with the unconscious, works with deep and fateful inner material. Finally, I will open the discussion so that we may reflect on the experience and meaning of these matters in all of our lives.”

This webinar is open both to Guild members and non-members at a cost of £15.00. In order to attend you must first register.  Please click the link below…

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Speaker: Charles Zeltzer

Charles Zeltzer, Ph.D. is a former Director of Training of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, and continues as a member of the faculty. He is also a member of the Interregional Society of Jungian Analysts. He served on the editorial board of Psychological Perspectives and guest-edited special issues on Jung and the East, and fairy tales. Charles lectures both nationally and internationally on the relationship between body, psyche, and trauma, and on many aspects of the religious dimension of the psyche. These include Kundalini yoga and alchemy, the Roman Catholic Mass and alchemy, and the role of the alchemical god Mercurius in our everyday lives.  Charles has specialized in leading seminars on Jung’s alchemical writings, including a 13-year, line-by-line discussion of Jung’s magnum opus, Mysterium Coniunctionis. He currently leads a line-by-line reading seminar of The Red Book. Charles practices analysis in Ventura, California.
Charles says the following about his own journey:
I was born into a kind of liminal, intermediate space between my parental opposites of strict Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Judaism.  Reading the Bhagavad Gita at the age of 14 led me to leave Catholic devotion.  Being introduced to Greek mythology at 15, and the study of Freud at 17 furthered my serendipitous inner journey until the age of 21, when I discovered Jung’s approach to the psyche. This has, since then, been the guiding compass of my professional work and inner journey.  In addition, these other interests – Hindu and tantric philosophy, mythology, Jewish mysticism, and alchemy - have evolved and developed, interweaving themselves with the depths that Jung has opened to me.  The thread behind all of it is a passionate love of the psyche, and the thirst to ground complex psychological concepts through personal experience.

[Updated August 2020]