The Guild of Pastoral Psychology
The Guild has an archive of 350 papers dating back to the 1930s and 600 recordings dating from the 1970s. You can browse these using the search facilities below; they are free to download for Guild members.
Disclaimer: The Guild’s written and audio resources are for members’ personal and non-commercial use only. The views expressed in them are those of the authors; they may not necessarily be shared by Guild members, nor represent the collective opinion of the Guild.
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The Satanic State
In his final completed work, Illustrations of the Book of Job, the artist and visionary William Blake gives an elegant summary of his philosophy concerning ‘the state of Satan’ and its connections with destructiveness, imagination and the inner world. The ‘state of Satan’ continues to be of central importance to…
Writing from Darkness
Imagine writing from darkness, from the night. We will take a few steps along the path of those who have written from darkness, reading excerpts from Hildegard of Bingen, St. John of the Cross, and Ettie Hillesum. We will look at how C.G. Jung wrote from darkness in The Red…
Modern Paganism and Witchcraft
Over the past sixty years Paganism has emerged as one of the most important and sensational clusters of newly appeared religions in the modern world, and witchcraft as the most important single component within it. This talk is intended to introduce people who have only slight acquaintance with such religions…
‘Hard’ and ‘Trampled’: Religion’s Cruel Twins
The lecture explores the way religion’s claims to revealed authority can lead on the one hand to cruelty and on the other to a kind of locked-in syndrome that makes it almost impossible to respond creatively to changes in humanity’s experience of moral evolution.
The Secret Function of Beauty
The German film maker Edgar Reitz observes that “we have grown up in an age that mistrusts beauty” (2004). Dr Heuer poses the question as to what extent might it be possible to “resurrect beauty”, as it were, and in the process contribute to healing the wounds of the past?…
Nothingness and the End of Meaning
The Golem: an image for our time
David Bohm and The Search for Wholeness
Wolfgang Pauli and the Resurrection of Spirit in Matter
Oxford Conference 2013
Jung has described the effects on the individual of the conflict between the spirit of the times and the spirit of the depths. He saw the former, characterised by use and value, as potentially antithetical towards the emergence of the latter, thereby blocking a personal experience of Soul. All the…