The Guild of Pastoral Psychology
The Guild has an archive of 350 papers dating back to the 1930s and 600 recordings dating from the 1970s. You can browse these using the search facilities below; they are free to download for Guild members.
Disclaimer: The Guild’s written and audio resources are for members’ personal and non-commercial use only. The views expressed in them are those of the authors; they may not necessarily be shared by Guild members, nor represent the collective opinion of the Guild.
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The Living Symbol suffocated by dead metaphors: an experiment in reviving the language of Jung on religion
Jung’s ideas about the Christian Trinity and the figure of Christ have come to acquire the status of dogma in some Jungian circles, but they are based on a fundamental misunderstanding of Christian doctrine and a confusing ambiguity in Jung’s theory of archetypes. This talk will examine the fault line…
Jung’s Relationship to Oriental Mystical Traditions – Session 1
The Psychology of Sin
Christianity Within
The Child In Paradise
The Gift of Loneliness
When Is The Right Time To Ask The Question?
The Journey of Individuation (No discussion)
Making the Soul